
Silence Killed the Dinosaurs is an ever-growing collection of stories and with comics. The main topic is coping with life. Or, more accurately, not coping with life.

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I’ve never been someone who makes a fuss over Valentine’s Day, but last year it just happened to be the day I got my contraceptive device removed. My partner and I had wine with dinner—what I planned to be my last glass in long time—and we were happy.

This is the story of the year that followed.

A quick note of warning: none of this is supposed to be medical advice. It’s just what happened to me. And there’s a lot to get through. So sit back, get comfy, pour yourself a glass of wine—ha! Kidding. If your bits are involved in baby making it’s best if you stop drinking. Yep, even if you’re the one bringing the tadpoles to the table. You think that’s rough? My sweet summer child, this is only just the beginning…

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  • A Tree Fell On My House

    (Yeah, I knit. What of it.) I was absolutely certain from the noise. It was like one of those radio noise-guessing shows where they play a sound and I call up and say ‘that noise was definitely a large branch from a gum tree cracking and breaking away from the main trunk and then crashing…

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