A Case of Shit Bees (Impostor Syndrome)

Do you ever peek at the last page in a book? Sometimes I do. This story ends with me winning first place in a youth art competition.

A big, golden trophy, lit dramatically. Plaques on it read: "1st place!", "wow!!!", "You're AMAZING!" and "Yay!"

I was eleven, quite young compared to some of the other people who had entered. The person who came second was older than me. I saw her face when our names were called, and I think she was disappointed. At least, that’s how I remember it.

The art trophy was the first trophy I had ever won. Most childhood trophies are obtained through sports, and I was not part of any afterschool teams. I had tried this and that, but I was as athletic as a potato with a Netflix account and as graceful as an octopus wearing crocs. My M.O. was to go to one practice, refuse to run anywhere for any length of time, throw the ball in an appalling double-handed underarm, sulk when I was shown better ways to throw balls generally but asked not to do it at all just now because this is actually soccer and we don’t throw the ball in soccer, and then quit.

Unsurprisingly, the art trophy remained the only trophy I ever won.

This story begins with the bee.

I was six. I was sitting on the grass at recess and put my hand on a bee.

Child-me is sitting on the grass. My hand has landed on a bee. I say: "Ow!"

Adult-Me does not blame the bee. It was innocently cruising for pollen when an enormous pinkish monster descended from the heavens and crushed it into the lawn. Despite minimal chance of survival, it put up a defiant last stand. It was pretty much Gandalf facing down the Balrog.

Adult-Me can respect that. Adult-Me knows bees are important. She fishes drowning bees out of swimming pools, plants bee-friendly flowers, and has lived with a hive of angry bees in her backyard for over two weeks so a proper beekeeper could take them to a new home instead of having pest-control kill them immediately.

Child-Me had a different perspective.

Me, wearing a mesh hood-mask filled with bees. Like the "NOT THE BEES!" Nick Cage scene.

I screamed until another kid showed up, and then I made him save me from the bee. It had already torn its stinger out and doomed itself thanks to one of nature’s crueler design flaws, but I wanted vengeance against my nemesis. Children are tiny, self-righteous super-villains, and I made sure that bee ended up as paste.

Child me is standing over a crushed be. The sky is red and yellow, it's all very evil and dramatic. I am wearing a super-villain helmet and saying: "My enemies are nothing but bare feet in the dard, and I am the Lego block they will break themselves on! I will chew up the world and smear it under the desk of the universe!"

Then I went to the teacher to show her the sting.

I hold up my hand with a sting on it to the teachers. The teacher says "Oh, a bee sting" (she does not seem impressed)

It was the incorrect response. I was, clearly, a hero who had narrowly escaped death, and I should definitely get to go home for the rest of the day so I could be nursed back to health while eating ice cream. The teacher was not convinced. I was allowed to go to the sick room and get a band aid, but that was it.

And that’s why, a few weeks later, I drew the bees.

I got chosen to go to a drawing session with an Actual Illustrator of Actual Picture Books. The Actual Illustrator talked to us about capturing the characteristics of a subject, and then gave us some pencils and paper and told us to try drawing something bold and fierce and monstrous.

My time had come to right a grave injustice.

The original bee drawing has, unfortunately, been lost to history. Nevertheless, I have drawn a reconstruction from memory. I think I really captured the oeuvre of my six-year-old self, which I would characterise as overly preoccupied with fitting in the right number of legs.

Some wonky bees. They each have six legs, although there is barely space for them.

When I showed the Actual Illustrator my bold, fierce and monstrous bees, I watched his face very carefully. I knew there would be a moment of enlightenment in which he would see bees as I saw them. He would understand the trauma I had endured. He would celebrate my heroic fight with the bee. He would tell everyone in the room about my amazing drawing.

But that moment didn’t come.

Child-me holds up my bee drawing. The Actual Illustrator says, "Oh. Hah! Bees? That's not really-- You know what? Good job"

Worse, I could read the truth on his face.

Close up of the Actual Illustrators face. Instead of features, it has the words "Your bees are not good enough"

And the Actual Illustrator went off to admire some older kid’s drawing of a friendly monster. A friendly monster. A monster who was not bold or fierce, like my bees.

The Actual Illustrator is giving a thumbs up to a kid holding up a drawing of a friendly mosnter. In the background, I am wearing my super villain helmet and radiating fire-coloured rage.

But all of that—the certainty, the confidence, the self-righteousness—must end at six, because I don’t remember ever feeling like that again.

There’s a thing called Impostor Syndrome.

It looks a lot like modesty, but if modesty was dosed with nuclear radiation and went rampaging through downtown Tokyo. It’s when you struggle to process your achievements, downplaying them as good luck, just regular hard work, or not important compared with your failures. It’s when, deep down, you can’t believe you deserve success or recognition or even compliments, and that other people think you do just proves there’s been some big misunderstanding. It makes you feel like an impostor, and you live in fear that Scooby-Doo is about to show up, rip your rubber mask off, and reveal the fraud underneath.

A hand is pulling off my super-villain helmet and smug face. Underneath I am regular-me, but with "draws terrible bees" written on my forehead.

And it’s very common. Most people experience it at some point in their lives.

Realising is the first step. Apparently, it’s normal for people to hear what it is and immediately have a lightbulb moment as they recognise it in their own behaviour. But I didn’t.

When I first heard about Impostor Syndrome, I thought it was for people who were objectively amazing and just couldn’t see it. I knew I was not objectively amazing. And if I wasn’t objectively amazing, then beating myself up about it wasn’t maladaptive behaviour, it was just being realistic. Healthy, even. I thought it kept me in my box and stopped me reaching too far and making a fool of myself.

It took me a long time to realise that not only did I have it, but that I had it so badly that my denial of it was moulded from 100% pure weapons-grade Impostor Syndrome. And I still—still—can’t quite get past the notion that it’s not for me, that I don’t have the right to the term, that Impostor Syndrome is for kids who draw friendly monsters.

So I’ve started calling it a case of shit bees instead.

Literally a case of shit bees. An open suitcase filled with bees that look like the poop emoji.

… not like that.

I am sitting while a doctor takes me temperature and listens to my chest with a stethoscope. There are growths that look like shit bees on my face. I am saying: "...and giving me compliments! They must not realise I have no relevant qualifications and am just making it up as I go along! They'll figure it out eventually..." and the doctor says: "Hmmm ... sounds like shit bees to me."

Okay that’s ridiculous too. But there’s a reason for that. Bear with me a moment.

My shitty bee illustration was the first failure I can remember, and it became the first weapon in the arsenal of evidence I used to beat my achievements to death. There have been other things since, but it started with the bees.

It was a fantastic weapon.

So I’m not putting it down, I’m just changing targets.

I am standing in the middle of a swarm of shit bees, shouting "Fly, my pretties!" with glee.

Because it is ridiculous.

All of it, but me in particular. That I cared so much about the bees, that something so silly could erode my soul, that not being ‘good enough’ by some nebulous and ever-changing standard even matters.

I can’t take my impostor-thoughts seriously when I think of them in terms of shit bees, and when I can’t take them seriously, they don’t unravel me so much.

I’d love to tell you that thanks to my shit bees, I never struggle with Impostor Syndrome anymore, but that wouldn’t be true. It’s helped me realise that the face under the rubber mask is a rubber mask too, but I’m still not sure I know what my real face looks like.

Maybe I don’t have one. Maybe no one has one. Maybe I’m a Mission Impossible style babushka doll of masks, a swarm of shit bees in trench coat. Turtles all the way down.

And maybe that’s not so bad.

But by the time I was eleven, I had misplaced my super-villain helmet. I didn’t know about Impostor Syndrome, let alone have the awareness to name it and fight it. I certainly didn’t know that most other people had it too, tucked neatly away behind their perfect friendly-monster drawings.

And so, a story that began with a bee ends like this.

Five years after my shit bees, I won a youth art competition and got a trophy that someone else wanted. At long last, I had drawn a friendly monster instead of shit bees. I took the trophy home and put it on a shelf in my bedroom, the way all the other kids put up their trophies for football and netball and soccer. I looked at it every day.

A brown trophy with a golden shit bee on top. Plaques say: "Shit bees tho", "you didn't win on merit, you won for being 11.y.o.", and "boooooo" There are stink lines radiating from the trophy

The last page of another person’s book can’t tell you the whole story.


Do you ever experience Impostor Syndrome? If so, how do you deal with it?

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25 responses to “A Case of Shit Bees (Impostor Syndrome)”

  1. cariboucrossingsak Avatar

    ohmygod I’ve never heard of that but I definitely have it! Wow. I’m so glad I read this. Now I’m going to have to process this. Maybe I can change my own way of thinking. Knowledge is power and all that…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      I hope it helps to know! (I think it usually does).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pistachios Avatar

    I’m never gonna look at bees the same way again XD Any chance your reconstruction of the trophy-winning bee picture will make it to your store?

    I vaguely remember once (maybe in grade 5) I sketched a picture of the Earth, and my classmates complimented me on how realistic/accurate it looked. To me it was a rough sketch, and I was suspicious of their complements, but deep down kinda proud. Not sure why my memory wanted to keep that snippet of my childhood, but might be useful if I ever find myself talking to a psychologist…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Sure! Which illustration do you mean? My six-year-old bees?


      1. Pistachios Avatar

        Yep – of course, I meant the one that *should’ve* won the trophy ;)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

        It’s up! https://society6.com/product/the-bees1316635_print?sku=s6-9177574p4a1v45 That’s the link to the art print, but it’s also available on posters, lap top sleeves, pencil cases (pouches) and mugs.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Chomeuse with a Chou Avatar

    I’d never heard of that before…how fascinating. Brains are strange beasts!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Brains are very strange.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. jule Avatar

    I laughed out loud and thought that you were reading the book of my life. You rock and you are talented! A great combination!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Thank you :) (I am internally reeling from your compliments, but a carefully placed smile emoji fixes everything)


  5. Laurie Avatar

    I usually read the last page of a book first. If it has an unsatisfying ending, I don’t want to spend my time reading the whole book. What a imaginative way to tell this story! I could never in a million years put the words together to get this point across the way you do. You are such a talented writer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Thank you! I tend to just read the last page if I’m becoming unsure it the book is worth it or not.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wolf of Words Avatar

    Art is so subjective because those bees are pretty much how I see bees through the lens of my fear of them. I definitely understand the impostor syndrome stuff. I have to stop myself from making excuses when somebody praises my writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Accepting compliments is tricky!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. actualconversationswithmyhusband Avatar

    “Yeah, but I draw shit bees” may become my new shorthand for “you’re butting up against my Imposter Syndrome and I’m incapable of accepting that compliment in a graceful fashion.”

    It probably sounds terrible, but I loved reading this. Knowing that someone I admire as so freakin’ talented and amazing shares my insecurity almost gives me hope for my own skills. YOU’RE PRACTICALLY AN INSPIRATIONAL GURU. Wear a toga all week in celebration of your new status.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Why is everyone complimenting me? I JUST ‘FESSED UP ABOUT THE BEES. YOU SHOULD ALL KNOW BETTER NOW.

      (definitely wearing that toga though)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. actualconversationswithmyhusband Avatar

        Because I wrote shit stories when I was a kid. Worse, I wrote bad poetry. Seriously, I couldn’t be stopped. Yeah, we all produced some crap as children but also anyone who doesn’t recognize that bees outnumber us and if they joined forces with the wasps we’d be utterly screwed isn’t paying attention.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. sjvernon Avatar

    Tangent to your story… I tend to read novels by reading the first chapter… then the last… then all the stuff in the middle :)

    Also… When I was a pre-schooler, I had lost a toy car in a bush outside… I went looking for it, and found a bee instead… the bee stung me on the nose… I grabbed it with my hand, and the bee stung me again in the hand… Apparently an occasional super-power of bees is to get a 2nd sting in before they lose their stinger! :)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      Double bee stings? That is horrifying. I hope you got nursed back to health with ice cream.


  9. oftheicebox Avatar

    I bet the ‘Actual Illustrator of Actual Picture Books’ had no idea how powerful his mediocre reaction to your bees was either. I’m glad you continued drawing and creating.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      No, he’d have no idea. And I didn’t mean to blame him with this. He didn’t do anything wrong, it was my own brain that took it and ran. If it wasn’t his reaction, it would have been something else.

      I am also glad I kept creating!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. stevejlocke Avatar

    Very funny my children act the same over bees no matter what I tell them


  11. LateNightGirl.org Avatar

    Brilliant! I am a believer!!! You converted me to COMICS!! Beautiful humour (with an “u” as I am in the You Kay!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucy Grove-Jones Avatar

      I am in Australia and also use ‘u’s!


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